Marked by somewhat low temperature
“Unseasonably cool weather is considered to have contributed to track records in four competition categories.”
Being in control of one's emotions
“He sensed a stew of emotions bubbling beneath her cool exterior.”
Showing apathy or disregard towards a person or idea
“His relationship with his wife has broken down and his two sons are distant and cool with him.”
Calmly audacious
“He was unusually cool and brave for someone who was bungee-jumping for the first time.”
(informal) Marked by a characteristic deemed as being impressive with regards to fashion
“I was so sharp in these cool clothes, I could cut butter, or at least turn heads.”
(informal) Of a high quality
“That was a really cool movie. I really think you should go watch it.”
Deemed to be satisfactory
“Apart from my hurt ego, everything is cool!”
Marked by charm, confidence and elegance
Showing or feeling strong dislike or disrespect
Having a considerate or kindly disposition
Serving to refresh or reinvigorate someone
Cheeky, impudent or saucy in nature, character or behavior
Characterized by obedience, subservience, or readiness to accept instruction or direction
Having or showing keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsightedness
Of a satisfactory or acceptable quality
Equipped with and climate-controlled by air-conditioning
Demonstrating a strict and uncompromising approach
New, radical and extreme
Providing perfect happiness or great joy
Situated in or full of shade
Strange or curious in nature in some respect
Displaying outstanding skill, knowledge, or experience in a given field
Having sound or fair judgment based on good sense
Bitingly humorous or amusing