A large meeting or conference, especially of members of a political party or a particular profession or group
“I remind members of the convention that members should not conduct conversations in the House unless it is necessary, and then only in a way so as not to disturb the proceedings.”
Behavior that is considered acceptable or polite to most members of a society
“But, and there is the rub, every member of the Cabinet is expected by acceptable social convention to then go out and promote and defend what has been pronounced.”
A rule or law that is commonly or socially accepted
“Second, develop a strict convention for how and when you will check for erroneous data.”
An agreement between states covering particular matters, especially one less formal than a treaty
“In 1997, a convention established standards to combat international bribery, to which more than thirty countries agreed.”
A religious or other solemn ceremony or act
A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group
A collection of objects arranged for public viewing
A standard by which something is evaluated or measured
Moral principles that govern the conduct of a person or organization
A group of people assembled together in a disorganized manner
A popular or the latest style of clothing, hair, decoration, or behavior
A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing
The way in which one conducts themselves relative to social norms
A formal council summoned to discuss important governmental issues
A commercial event where multiple vendors meet to showcase and promote their products or services
The customary and widely recognized or followed procedure
A fine or petty point of conduct or procedure
The ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society
Fundamental truths or propositions that serve as the foundation for a system of belief, behavior or reasoning
The act of using something intangible
Related Words and Phrases