A beneficial or amelioratory addition or supplement to something
“Conroy's features an extensive wine list, enabling you to find the perfect complement to your meal.”
A number or quantity of something, especially that required to make a group complete
“We have a full complement of both vehicles and soldiers who can carry out any tasks that they are required to do.”
A person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as another person or thing
Something that is perfectly compatible with something or someone
An action or work carried out as a continuation, in response, or in addition, to an earlier one
A mariner or sailor, one who mans a ship
Something made (perhaps incidentally) during the production of something else
A small article or item used as an adornment to complement something else
A mutual relationship or connection between two or more things
Proposals acceptable as package
The number of people comprising a group, typically a team or army
Additional, compensatory or complementary entity
A group of people associated in some way
(grammar) Verb complement in some languages or some constructions of a given language
A state of being double or having two of something
To add, or act as, a supplemental and amelioratory element to
“The selection of make-up should complement skin tone, features and attire.”
To add, or act as, a finishing element to
“If you have a warmer shaded skin tone, neutral and earthy-colored rectangle glasses can complement your look perfectly.”
To harmonize or work well with something else
“The creamy, spicy chickpeas and coconut milk in this dish perfectly complement the sweetness of the potato.”
To form a pleasing or harmonious relationship or combination with
To improve through the addition of features
To exist or occur together or at the same time
To furnish with accessories
To add to or supplement
To be complemented by as an accompaniment
To enhance or show to advantage
To be suitable or agreeable (with something else)
To correspond to, or to be similar to
Related Words and Phrases