A device with interlocking parts used for fastening things together
“Attach the clasp to one end of the bracelet.”
A firm or tight grip or hold
“His leather-sheathed fingers kept a firm clasp on hers as he helped her alight.”
A firm or tight embrace
“We embraced, a tight clasp with cheeks touching.”
Control or dominance over someone or something
A clasp or clip for gathering and holding the hair
An ornament fastened to clothing, typically with a hinged pin and catch
An act of squeezing something
A person's hand when the fingers are bent in towards the palm and held there tightly
To hold or grip tightly
“Serrick had taught her that to clasp the handle of a blade without drawing it was a sign of indecision in a warrior.”
To hold or embrace (someone) tightly
“If that didn't work, and it usually didn't, she'd clasp you to her bosom and try to hug you into submission.”
To connect or join so as to form a longer or larger whole
To adhere or stick firmly or closely to
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