A loud and typically discordant noise or sound
“The conversation of the company was interrupted by a loud clamor from the street.”
Loud, almost violent, yelling or shouting
“The clamor from the crowd clearly evinced rage and hatred.”
A noisy or turbulent commotion
“While hearing his own heavy breathing, Oberon paid attention to the clamor outside the inn.”
A strongly expressed demand from a large number of people
“As the cost of home financing mounts for the average buyer, so does the clamor for direct Federal loans.”
A strongly expressed protest from a large number of people
“A smaller trade deficit will still the clamor of protectionists.”
A long, loud, wavering cry or howl
A shout of encouragement, praise, or joy
Senseless or incoherent talk
A disagreement or quarrel
Determination or resolution in one's efforts or will to do something
To yell or cry out noisily
“They insult her, scream at her, threaten her, and clamor loudly in a quarreling voice.”
To make or cause to make a loud, harsh sound
“Police and emergency vehicle sirens clamor in the distance.”
To make a demand by crying out noisily
“A waiting public would clamor loudly for a team to represent them in the league.”
To make a light clanging sound, such as that made by metal objects being shaken together
To speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way
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