A range of possible options
“You have a choice between the turkey sandwich, chicken quesadilla, or cold fish head for your flight meal.”
Plural for something that is chosen or selected from a range of options
“Be very careful in selecting the balls for they may promptly explode in your face in the vacuum up there. Your best choice would be pressureless balls.”
Plural for the right or ability to choose
“What choice do we have besides the obvious?”
Plural for the act of choosing
“The choice of Governor was taken away from the legislature and conferred upon the people.”
(usually in the negative) Plural for a possible course of action
“You do not have any other choice but to accept our offer.”
Plural for a preference for something among a range of options
“Out of all the holiday destinations you've suggested, Kokomo would be my personal choice.”
Plural for a range from which to select
“The deli has an extensive choice of organic produce.”
(usually prefixed with "the") Plural for the best or most preferable
“Of the cavalry, the king's own was the choice.”
Related Words and Phrases