To break open or apart, especially suddenly and violently and due to internal pressure
“The trickle is becoming a torrent and, any day now, the dam wall will burst.”
To explode, or cause to explode, especially due to internal pressure
“These fragile gas tanks would burst into flames after even minor collisions.”
To move suddenly and violently
“He made a furious charge and burst through the crowd to slap the makeshift ball through the hoop.”
To suddenly begin doing or producing something
“Perplexed, I looked at Jacqui as she began to burst into a spate of giggles.”
To erupt or surge forcefully after being released
“If a break is significant, the water will burst out of the pipe under pressure.”
To teem, or be overrun or overflowing with
“When she was challenged or felt on edge, she would burst with energy and be at her best.”
To destroy by, or as if by, an explosion
To collapse or burst inward, especially violently
To pierce and make a hole or holes in
To produce flowers, or to be in flower
To make a loud, deep, resonant sound
To grow quickly in size or extent
To move, stream or flow rapidly
To make, or cause to make, a sudden forward movement
To make a long tear or cut in
To shine with a sudden intensity
To engage in activity with a person unwilling or unable to give consent
A sudden and brief outbreak
“Hopefully, I'll have a sudden burst of inspiration and rattle the last of it off in no time at all.”
An instance of breaking or splitting as a result of internal pressure or puncturing
“The school was left without water for a week due to a burst in the pipe.”
A violent shattering or blowing apart of something
“The tubes had completely bent after a violent burst.”
A barrage or discharge of projectiles
“As we ran, a burst of arrows and poisoned darts whirred around us and over us.”
A loud noise
“As she made her way up the stairs, she heard a loud burst of her father's laughter.”
A sudden and brief burst of bright flame or light
A loud and typically discordant noise or sound
A very short period of time
A fall of precipitation, typically of rain, but also of hail, sleet, or snow
A flat tire, or an occasion when a tire on a vehicle bursts
A small quantity or patch of liquid or color on a surface
Having been ruptured or punctured
“I heard the breath come out of him like the sound of a burst tire.”
Cut or ripped open or into pieces
Related Words and Phrases