The business or profession of radio and television
“People who have worked in broadcasting criticize me for emphasizing the economic side of this industry when it also has a cultural side.”
The act of broadcasting a program or signal
“The second is the actual broadcasting of the program, which is an engineering and a technical problem, also requiring research, but incidentally requiring much capital.”
The act of imparting or reporting information
“It has resulted in the daily broadcasting of this announcement by two radio stations.”
The treatment of an issue, especially by the media
The dissemination of information about something, typically for promotional purposes
Systems or services facilitating information exchange
The movement of information from one to another
Reporting, writing, or commentary that investigates and communicates news and information
Present participle for to transmit a signal over the airwaves
“Due to the overwhelming demand for this session, we have decided to broadcast it live on our Youtube channel.”
Present participle for to declare loudly, openly or publicly
“Again, this is probably not the place to broadcast my feelings publicly.”
Present participle for to scatter or distribute over an area or space
“This year, those who drilled oats seemed to do better than those who broadcast seed.”
Present participle for to spread or diffuse over a wide area or space
“First of all, it shows us that the Menorah was not designed merely to broadcast the light over as large a space as practical.”
Present participle for to make known or to reveal
Present participle for to disseminate over a wide area or population
Present participle for to transfer data to a computer or device
Present participle for to place or scatter (seeds) into the ground or soil to grow
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