Money in physical notes or coins
“Travis smiles and then puts a ten-dollar bill on the table.”
Laws considered collectively, typically governmental
The general costs of running a business
Plural for a printed or written statement of the money owed for goods or services
“A couple of days later, I received a bill for several thousand dollars, followed soon after by a threatening letter from a debt collector.”
Plural for an amount paid, or to be paid, typically for services rendered
“Every time there was a large bill to be paid, he was short or said he just hadn't made it to the bank in time.”
Plural for a written or printed announcement or publicity
“We found also a large bill on the wall announcing the chateau for sale, with a list of its furniture.”
Plural for a program of entertainment at a theatre or cinema
“On the bill are two very different but artistically compatible plays to be performed in repertory.”
Plural for a draft of a proposed law presented to parliament for discussion
“A member of Congress can suggest a new bill by placing it in a large wooden box located inside the Capitol Dome where they work.”
Plural for the beak of a bird, especially when it is slender, flattened, or weak
“The bird has a decurved slender black bill and short wings.”
Plural for a stiff brim at the front of a cap
“He walked around with the bill of his cap down over his eyes so he wouldn't have to look at anything around him.”
Plural for a narrow promontory
“The lighthouse at Portland Bill, a famous landmark on the promontory for mariners, stands 135 feet high.”
Plural for the projection above the mouth of a person or animal containing the nostrils
Plural for a document or label listing the contents of a consignment or package
Plural for a weapon with a long metal blade and a hilt with a handguard
Plural for a legal lawsuit
Plural for legal document guaranteeing payment, syn
Plural for an official accusation for a criminal offense, or the process by which it is brought to a jury
Plural for an implement with a blade used for pruning or cutting, or as a weapon
Plural for an abruptly tapering point or a sharp spine
Plural for a long weapon with a wooden shaft and a pointed steel head
To charge money for goods provided or services rendered
“In addition, the firm will bill you for reimbursement of all significant out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with these matters.”
To call or describe someone or something in a particular way
“I always wondered why this lovely lady would bill herself as Lady Ester when she had such a beautiful name as Dianne.”
To list or schedule an event in a program
“Linehan, as a pianist, is a world-beater, and Tommy Murphy should bill him for a performance in the near future.”
To publicize or market a product or event
“Organizers bill it as the best opportunity for European tech sector startups to take their businesses to the next level.”
To announce or declare something
“They would bill it as the prodigal son's return.”
To arrange a specific time for (an event, a class, etc.)
To record the cost of something as an amount payable by someone, an account, or a credit card
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